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Planned maintenance: Between 7.30pm (AEDT) Friday 28 March and 12.30am (AEDT) Saturday 29 March you won’t be able to log in to Member Online or the Aware Super App.

Focus on your super today, so it works harder for your future.

An accumulation account is another name for a super account.

  • Anyone can join. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or getting close to retirement, you can grow your super.
  • Your investments can change with you. Our MySuper Lifecycle approach is tailored to your age.
  • Competitive fees. Fees can have a big impact on your balance at retirement.
  • Flexible insurance cover. Get insurance that brings you or your loved ones financial security. No matter what happens.
  • No matter what stage you’re at with your super, we’ve got you sorted. Access our webinars, videos or advice offerings to grow your knowledge.

One account for life with MySuper Lifecyle

MySuper Lifecycle is where your super is invested if you don’t make a choice. It automatically changes the way your super is invested based on your life stage. It tailors your investments to your age. It's where close to 850,000 or more than 80% of our super (accumulation) members invest their money.

Super is one of your most important assets

Super is money you save to fund your life after work. Your employer pays a percentage of your pay into your super account, and you can add more to help it grow even faster.

How we invest your super

The way your super is invested can make a big difference to how much money you’ll have in retirement. Helping you reach your retirement goals is at the heart of what we do. We focus on delivering strong long-term returns to help you grow your super savings.

Invest in your future

Understanding how investments work can help make sense of your investment choices. You can choose where and how your savings are invested. This decision can make a difference to how much money you’ll have when you retire.

Choose our MySuper Lifecycle investment approach or your own mix of investment options.

Investment performance

Over time, your super balance will go up and down depending on how your investments perform. Super investments generally include things like shares and as a result, they are impacted by fluctuations in financial markets. It’s normal for super balances to go up and down from time to time. That’s why it’s important to remember that super is a long-term investment. 

You can find out how your investment options are performing at any time. We list investment performance from the past month, through the last 10 years.

Insurance through super

Insurance can help protect you and your family if something unexpected happens. The type of cover you choose may depend on your lifestyle and your plans for the future. Insurance through super can cover you if you:

  • lose your income because you become sick or injured
  • become permanently disabled and are unlikely ever to work again
  • become terminally ill or die.

You get more with Aware Super

We deliver strong, long-term performance^

Our strong long-term returns mean you can retire with more money in your super balance. You can view investment returns here, opens in a new window.

Our competitive fees make a big difference to your super balance over time.

We offer competitive fees, and don’t charge you to switch investment options.

We’re one of Australia’s top-rated funds

We regularly receive top ratings and awards from industry leading rating agencies.

Help with your super account at no extra cost

Questions? Great. Give us a call to get answers about your Aware Super account at no extra cost.

Guidance and advice

We also have a range of resources online to help guide you, whether you’re just starting your first job or ready for retirement.

Book an appointment for tailored financial advice

Get one-on-one professional guidance and a tailored approach to help your reach your goals. We can help you navigate complexity, assess your risk tolerance, make smart financial decisions, and prepare you for retirement.

An award-winning app

You’ll have access to our award-winning mobile app# where you can manage your super anytime, anywhere.

#The Aware Super app was awarded the Bronze Stevie Award, at the 2022 International Business Awards. For more information see: Search All Past Stevie® Winners and Finalists | Stevie Awards

Why choose Aware Super?

We're an industry fund with strong, long-term performance^ so you'll be joining over 1.1 million Australians who invest their super with us.


^ Aware Super's High Growth option return over 10 years to 30 June 2024 was 8.83% p.a. Index median of 7.93% p.a. for the same period. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey (FCRS) (SR50 Growth (77-90) Index) (approx. 50 options). Returns are after investment fees and costs, transaction costs, tax on investment income and any implicit admin fees. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

Member numbers as of June 2024.

Product details and fees

Who it’s for

An Aware Super account is available to anyone who is eligible for super . For most people, super begins when you start work and your employer starts paying super for you.

Your super is your money. You might not be able to withdraw your money until you retire, but you can take active steps now to look after it.

As one of Australia’s largest super funds, we use our size to keep costs down. Our goal is to maximise our members’ super savings so they can enjoy their retirement.

Helping you understand your fees and costs. Here are the types of fees you will come across:

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Types of fees A little bit about them
Administration fees and costs

These fees help to cover the cost of running the fund. They are deducted directly from your account.

You’ll pay two types of administration fees: a fixed fee of ($52 per year), plus an asset-based administration fee. This fee is 0.15% p.a. ($75 per $50,000 per year) of your super balance. It is capped at $750 per year.

Investment Fees and costs

These fees are variable, which means they can change. They are included in the calculation of the unit price of each investment option, and are made up of:

  • Investment base fees. These are fees paid to investment managers and to the Aware Super investment team to manage your money.
  • Performance fees. These are fees paid to investment managers when they exceed their performance targets. This is a reward for their efforts.
Transaction costs These costs are variable, which means they can change. These costs are included in the calculation of the unit price of the investment option. They relate to activities like buying or selling an investment.

Find out all our fees and costs, opens in a new window

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