Want to make sure your super goes to your loved ones? We've made it fast and easy to do this by nominating your beneficiaries in Member Online. Make sure you have your mobile handy - the one registered to your account. You'll need this to keep your account secure.
Log in to Member Online, opens in a new window. If you have more than one account with us you will need to add beneficiaries to one account at a time, that way you have the option to add different beneficiaries to each account. Select an account and then scroll down to Your Beneficiaries and click Add beneficiary.
At the top of this page is information about beneficiaries. It's a good idea to have a read and make sure you understand the different types of nominations you can choose from.
Here we'll choose binding non-lapsing and click Add non-lapsing nomination. At the top of this page is important information about who you can nominate.
When you're ready click Add beneficiary, enter the details of the person you want as your beneficiary. It's important to use their correct name as it appears on their ID, even a typo here could cause problems down the track. If you're nominating more than one beneficiary let us know how much of your super this person should receive.
You can add this as a percentage of your total super balance under the Portion of benefit heading. If you're nominating just one beneficiary make this amount 100%. Click add. Click Add beneficiary again if you want to add another person.
You can nominate as many beneficiaries as you like, the combined portion allocation needs to add up to 100%. Click submit. We will need to send a verification pin to the mobile number registered to your Aware Super account. Once we've processed your beneficiary nomination it will appear on your dashboard.
Click to view details. Here you can change or add to your beneficiaries at anytime. Before taking any action you should consider your circumstances and needs, seek appropriate professional advice if you think you require it. If you need help accessing your account or adding beneficiaries, we can help.
Visit aware.com.au/contact to get in touch.