You’re in great hands with our experts.
Aware Super financial planners are State Super scheme specialists. We’ve been providing comprehensive financial planning services to State Super members, public sector employees and their families for over 30 years.
Your scheme
Why choose Aware Super
Aware Super manages more than $30 billion for over 100,000 retirement members - making us one of Australia’s largest retirement providers. We understand the unique needs of retirees.
Where to next?
Attend an exclusive member education event
Join a live webinar hosted by our experienced super experts, where they break down complex super and finance information into easy-to-understand topics.
Discover our advice options
Our financial planners are experienced in your State Super scheme. They can help you plan for a successful retirement. Book a no cost, obligation free appointment.
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Our SASS Wise newsletters provide money wisdom, tips and insights for the SASS community.