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Your Super Helpful Market Update 

There’s been a lot happening in markets recently. In this short video you’ll hear our Chief Investment Officer, Damian Graham, explain market volatility - and how Aware manages your super savings for the long term. 

Read our latest Market Update

Check your investments

You can choose where and how your savings are invested. It's your money and you're in control.

A detailed look at our portfolio performance

Looking for a more detailed breakdown of our strong long-term performance? We’ve prepared that for you, too.

Learn more about your investments

Understand how what we're investing in today is helping to grow your super over the long term.

How your super investments work

The way your super is invested can make a big difference to how much money you'll have in retirement.

Where to next?

See how your investment choices can grow your super.

If you want to chat with an expert about your investment choices, book a super helpful check-in.

Maximise your super and plan for your future with these simple tips.