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Important message: Scammers are active following the CrowdStrike tech outage. Be aware and guard your details. Learn what we’re doing to keep your super safe

Significant event and material changes

Stay informed of major changes that could impact your super.

Annual Member Meeting

The 2023 Annual Members' Meeting was held on 5 December 2023.

Our panel presented our results for the 2022/2023 financial year, and shared our plans and expectations for the year ahead. It was also an opportunity for you to submit questions for the Board, CEO, Executives, Auditor or Actuary.

Annual Member Outcomes Assessment

Each year, Aware Super is required to assess areas such as fees, performance, investment risk, services, and operating costs to make sure we have promoted the best financial interests of our members.

To see how Aware Super performed, take a look at our latest Annual Member Outcomes Assessments for the 2023 financial year.