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Investments that aim to do well for you

We’re one of Australia’s largest super funds. This means we can choose from a wide range of quality investments in Australia and overseas.

Our aim is to find investments which will perform strongly over the long term. Our goal is to grow your retirement savings, so you can have the retirement you're planning for. What your super is invested in depends on your investment option or options.


We invest in traditional infrastructure, like hospitals and ports as well as emerging sectors, like motor registries, and data centres.


We invest directly in property and property businesses in Australia and overseas. We also invest in listed property.

Essential worker housing

We invest in essential worker housing through the Aware Real Estate platform. These are apartments rented to essential workers at around 80% of the market rent. This can help essential workers afford to live closer to where they work.

Private equity

Private equity is investments in private companies. We invest in companies in many different sectors, in Australia and overseas.

What are asset classes

An asset class is a group of investments with similar characteristics. Examples of asset classes are Australian shares, cash and fixed income.

They are the building blocks of our investment options. Each investment option has an objective, and this objective determines the mix of asset classes in the option. This means different investment options will have a different mix of asset classes.

Asset classes are classified as growth, defensive or a mix of the two. It’s important to understand asset classes. This helps you understand the level of risk and expected return of your investment option(s).

Manage your investment options

We offer a range of investment options to suit different risk profiles and retirement goals.

Our largest unlisted property, infrastructure, and private equity exposures as at 30 June 2024.

Unlisted investment holdings are for the Aware Super Fund.