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At Aware Super we believe that your health and wellbeing are priceless. Which is why we provide our members access to health and support programs, at no extra cost. Make an appointment and improve the quality of your life today.

Confidential health support at no extra cost

These services are completely confidential. They are included as part of your Aware Super membership at no extra cost. In some cases, you can use them even if you don’t have insurance with us.

Mental health support

Speak with a qualified mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment advice.

Nutrition and fitness

Talk with a dietician or physiotherepist and recieve a personalised plan.

Grief support

Talk with a grief support counsellor.

Directory of support services

Free and low-cost government and community support services.

Financial hardship support

Struggling with financial stress? You may be able to access your super before you retire.

More support

Access our live webinars and seminars

Helpful information from our experienced superannuation experts.

Super advice at no extra cost

Simple advice about your Aware Super account.

Check your mental health wellbeing score

Answer some quick questions to find out where your mental health it at. The survey is annonymous, the results are private, and you'll be directed to some useful resources.