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Taking your super with you when you start a new job is as important as providing your bank details for your pay. It’s easy and means you benefit from having all your super in one place.

Key points:

  • If you’re starting a new job, it’s easy to tell your employer you want to stay with Aware Super with a pre-filled Choose Aware Super form.
  • The money you’ve accumulated in your Aware Super account won’t grow as quickly if contributions stop.  
  • Having multiple super accounts could mean more fees and charges. You may also be paying more for insurance than is necessary, or paying for more than one of the same type of policy - such as life insurance.

Tell your employer

Log in online

Simply log into your Member Online account, download a form that has all your pre-filled details, and email it to your employer.

Aware Super app

Using the Aware Super app, you can email your fund details to your employer. (This will only work if you have email setup on your smart phone.)

1. Log in to the app

2. Go to Profile > Email your employer

3. Enter your employer’s email and send.


What happens if you don't take your super with you?

Your employer must check with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to see if you have an account. They'll do this if you haven't told them where you would like your employer contributions paid.

If your employer can’t find an open super account, and you do not inform them about where to pay your super, your employer will pay your contributions into their default fund.

If you have more than one super account, your super will be paid into whichever account the ATO advises to your employer.

If you think you may have more than one account, we can help you find and consolidate your super accounts. Before you consolidate, there are some important factors to take into account, such as the loss of any insurance cover from your other funds, and the features and benefits of each fund. Consider also the impact on changing your investments; including whether it's the right time to be redeeming your investments and the potential tax implications. You may wish to speak with a qualified financial planner before making this important financial decision.[C1]


How you can make the most of your super

Your super is your money. No matter how far away or close retirement may seem, it’s never too early to take active steps to look after your super.

Where to next?

Simple advice at no extra cost

Take advantage of simple financial advice over the phone or virtually. Our super advisers can help with questions about your Aware Super account.

Attend an event

Join our experts as they break down super and finances into easy-to-understand topics.

Are you on track to reach your super goals?

Our super retirement calculator can help you work it out.

[C1] Before consolidating, consider if this is right for you, including the loss of any insurance cover from your other funds, the impact on your investments, and potential tax implications and read the PDS and TMD at You may wish to speak with a qualified financial planner before making this decision.