2 The cost of product assumes a balance of $50,000. It includes administration fees. It also includes an estimate of ‘Investment fees and costs’ and ‘Transaction costs’. ‘Investment fees and costs’ and ‘Transaction costs’ are based on the fees and costs for the year ended 30 June 2023, other than performance fees which are a 5-year average. Fees and costs can vary from year to year. The amount you’ll pay in future years will depend on the fees and costs incurred by the trustee in managing the investment option. Other fees and costs may apply. If you have insurance, premiums will apply. Refer to the relevant PDS or Handbook for more information.
3 While the Balanced Socially Conscious option is new, it is based on a historical VicSuper investment option. The amounts shown reflect the historical fees and costs of that investment option. VicSuper was a division of Aware Super. On 11 May 2023 VicSuper members were moved into the Aware Super division of the fund and this investment option was retained and renamed an Aware option.