Access Member Online and important features
Watch this short video to show you how to register, log into and update your communications preferences through your Member Online account.
Our 2024 Annual Members’ Meeting was held on Wednesday 18 December 2024.
A recording of the meeting is below, along with the minutes of the meeting and responses to member questions asked during the meeting, but not answered in the meeting (which form part of the minutes).
Watch this short video to show you how to register, log into and update your communications preferences through your Member Online account.
[00:00:00] Watch this video to help you log in, register and find important information in your online account.
[00:00:07] To get started, head to our Member login page by clicking login and selecting the first option Member Online. Then log in to your Member Online account. Never logged in before? Click 'Register here' at the bottom of the login page. You'll need your member number and you'll be asked to choose a password. If you've recently received a new member number from us, please use this number to register, even if you've registered before using a different member number.
[00:00:38] When you've logged in, you'll see our dashboard that summarises your account information, including your investments, recent payments, personal details, and more. If you have more than one account, you can switch between them. Click on an account under 'My accounts' and the dashboard will display the selected account details.
[00:00:59] Let's look at My details. Here you can change your address, email address, username or password. Click on 'Change my details' in the My details card or go to the Profile dropdown menu and choose the first option, 'My details'. You can edit your details by clicking on the pencil icon in the card's top right side. Then click the personal information you want to change. When you're done, click the tick to finish.
[00:01:30] It's important your mobile number is up to date because we use it to verify some transactions like withdrawals. Want to change the way we contact you? Back under the Profile tab, just under 'My details', you'll find 'Communication preferences'. Here you can choose how you get correspondence from us, by email or post.
[00:01:54] Heading back to the dropdown menu under the Activity tab is 'Inbox'. Here you will find all our correspondence to you, including letters, emails and SMS with the most recent at the top of the list. You can filter correspondence by notification type and also select and download a copy of your notifications.
[00:02:16] Aware Member Online, making super easy.
To understand how your super fared in 2023/24, you should also refer to your Annual Statement. Depending on your communication preferences, we’ll make it available to you via Member Online or our app, or send you a copy in the post.
In 2020, we hosted 3 events. One for our Victorian members given our merger with Victorian based fund (VicSuper), another for WA Super members who joined the fund in December and the other for members from all other states and territories.