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Your annual statement shows what’s happened with your account between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. Now’s a great time to think about how your retirement savings are going, and if there’s anything you want to change.

Key points

  • If you’ve only got time for a quick review, make sure you take a look at these key areas:
    • Your current balance – you'll find this in Your account snapshot.
    • How much has come into, and left, your account over the past year – including contributions and fees. This is covered in What happened in your account.
    • How your money’s performed over the past year and the longer-term – you can see this for each of our investment options in How Aware Super’s investments performed.
    • The details of your insurance – what you’re covered for, and how much you might get if you need to make a claim. All this is covered in Your insurance.
  • You can access your statement anytime through your Member Online account

Understand your statement in detail

This is the contact information we have on file for you. It’s a good idea to check this is all correct and up to date. Sharing your mobile number adds extra security and means you can retrieve your Member Online password easily.


This account summary includes your balance for the last financial year and your 30 June balance for the past 3 years. You’ll also see any insurance you have through super.


This shows how much has come into, and left, your account over the 12 months to 30 June 2024 - investment returns, super contributions, withdrawals, and any deductions, such as fees.


A projection of how much super you’re likely to have when you’re ready to retire. This will be available to eligible members with an accumulation account, so check your statement.

You can also use the My Retirement Planner.


If you haven’t made a choice, nominating a beneficiary takes less than 30 minutes and can save your people a lot of stress. You can let us know your choice using Member Online or by making a nomination.


This shows how your super balance was invested in the 12 months to 30 June 2024, how any future contributions will be invested and any investment switches you made in the past year.

See how your investment options are performing at any time


Here you’ll see how all our investment options have performed to 30 June 2024. Super is about the long-term, so it’s helpful to look at investment returns over three, five and ten years.


If you have insurance, this section shows your potential benefits if you need to make a claim, and the premium costs. This section is a new addition to this year’s statement. 


This lists transactions made on your account – money in and money out. Take a moment to check that everything is included. You can use your payslips to cross-check employer contributions. Some transactions may be grouped rather than shown individually.


This covers fees deducted directly from your account (like admin and account-keeping fees), as well as the fees and costs relating to the purchase, sale and ongoing management of your investments.


Most of your super will be preserved (available when you meet a condition of release).
You might also have a non-preserved amount (which can be accessed anytime).
This section shares more information on conditions of release, as well as the tax-free and taxable components of your super balance.


Here you’ll find all our contact details, so you can give us a call if you want advice or a quick answer to a question.


Where to next

Check your investments

Did you know you can check and switch your investments using your Aware Super Member Online account?

Understand super basics

Super is designed to give you a better future. Super is your investment. It lets you grow your money and save on tax.  

Understand investment basics

Super is a long-term investment for your future. Understanding how investments work can help you make sense of your investment choices.