You may not know that you can choose where you invest your super. Investment returns could make up half of your super balance at retirement. So making the right investment choice now, before you retire, is critical.
Key points
- Many of our members leave their investment choice up to us. We'll invest your savings in our unique MySuper Lifecycle investment approach. This automatically changes your investment mix in the lead up to your retirement.
- You can also choose from a number of investment options, or a mix of these options.
- The right choice for you could grow your savings and give you more to enjoy when you retire.
- It’s important to review your investments regularly. You can check and switch your investments in your Aware Super account online.
Did you know? Investment returns could make up half of your super balance at retirement.
Figure 1
This is based on superannuation balance projections for our typical female member at age 21 as at 30 June 2022 projected to retirement age 67, invested in the Aware Super MySuper Lifecycle strategy. Results are based on today’s dollar deflated using wage inflation of 4%p.a.. Contributions are modelled by applying the SG rate to the average salary of Aware Super members at each stage. Net investment return is based on CPI+ objectives, which is 6.5% before age 55, reducing to 5.25% between the ages 56-65 (inclusive) and 5.25% from age 65 onwards (after investment fees and tax and admin fees). No admin fees and earnings tax. CPI is assumed to be 2.5% p.a.. These projections are estimates for illustrative purposes only and not guaranteed. The actual amount of money you will get in retirement may be very different from the estimates. The case study is based on current regulatory requirements and laws, including tax rates, which may be subject to change. Source: Aware Super modelling.
Your investment choice
We have a number of investment options you can choose from.
You can choose your investment mix or leave it up to us. Our experts design investment options to help grow and safeguard your savings.
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MySuper Lifecycle investment approach | Customise your investments |
Leave it up to the experts to do the heavy lifting for you. Growing your super savings was top of mind when we designed our unique approach. It tailors your investment mix based on your age in the lead up to your retirement. |
You can choose to invest in a mix of options in whatever percentage you like. Choose from:
1 Some asset classes are not available as a single asset class option. This may include infrastructure and private equity. It may be difficult to get the same degree of diversification as the diversified options. |
Who is this suitable for? | Who is this suitable for? |
Leaving the investment choice up to us could be the choice for you if:
A hands-on investor, or someone who wants more control over where their super is invested. |
How to make an investment choice
Investment returns could make up half of your super at retirement. So, making the right choice is important.
Learn more about our investment options and how you can make an investment choice
Risk in investments
Every investment carries a level of risk. Investment risk is the risk that the return from an investment is different from what’s expected. This could be higher or lower. It’s important you understand what level of risk is right for you.
Investment options with the potential to deliver higher returns typically come with a higher level of risk. These options will have a higher allocation to growth assets. Lower-risk options which typically produce lower returns will have a higher allocation to defensive assets.
Figure 2
Related information
- Our investment options
- Understand investment basics
- Investment risk
- Investment performance
Where to next?
MySuper Lifecycle
Our team of investment experts can do the hard work for you. Over 600,000 members trust us and invest in our MySuper Lifecycle approach.
Simple advice at no cost
Take advantage of simple financial advice over the phone or virtually. Our superannuation advisers can help with questions about your Aware Super account.
Check your investments
Did you know you can check and switch your investments using your Aware Super online account?