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You may not realise that you can choose where you invest your super.

Investment returns could make up 40% of your super balance at retirement. So making the right investment choice now, before you retire, is critical. Wherever you are in life, our aim is to deliver strong returns and help get you a better outcome, so you can retire with confidence.

Key points:

  • You can leave the choice to our investment experts. We'll invest your savings in our unique MySuper Lifecycle approach. This automatically changes your investment mix as you approach retirement.
  • Or you can choose from a number of investment options, or a mix of these options.
  • The right choice for you could boost your savings and set you up for success in retirement. 

Investment returns could make up 40% of your super balance at retirement


Your investment choices

Aware Super has a number of investment options for you to choose from. They are designed to meet your changing needs, comfort with risk and retirement goals.

Our experts create investment strategies to help grow and safeguard your savings, whether you choose your investment mix or leave it up to us.

If you want more certainty around your retirement, our team of investment experts can do the hard work for you. More than 600,000 members trust us and invest in our MySuper Lifecycle approach.

MySuper Lifecycle investment approach

Leave it up to the experts who’ve done the heavy lifting for you. 

Our members' retirements were in mind when we designed our unique approach. It tailors your investment mix based on your age in the lead up to your retirement. This approach helps to safeguard your savings so you can retire with more.


Who is this suitable for?

Leaving the investment choice up to us could be the smart choice for anyone. It’s particularly helpful if:


  • you’re unsure about how to invest,  
  • you're unfamiliar with investment markets, or 
  • you don’t have time to monitor markets If you want more certainty around your retirement outcome, then leaving you investment choice up to us could be the choice you make

Customise your investments

A tailored mix lets you pick the way your super is invested, in whatever percentage breakdown you like.

Choose from:

  • One or more of our diversified options (investment options with a mix of different assets like shares, property or cash).
  • One or more single asset options (investment options with only one type of asset, for example Australian shares) or,
  • A combination of diversified and single asset options.1


Who is this suitable for?

A hands on, do it yourself investor, or someone who wants more control over where their super is invested.


1 Some asset classes, such as infrastructure and private equity, are not available as a single asset class option, so it may be difficult to get the same degree of diversification as the diversified options.

MySuper Lifecycle investment approach

Aware Super’s MySuper Lifecycle approach takes the guesswork out of making an investment choice.

We tailor investments to your age and stage of life. This means we focus on growing your super while you’re younger. Then we gradually reduce the level of investment risk as you get closer to retirement age.

Your investments gradually shift from higher risk growth assets like shares, to a more balanced mix of growth and defensive assets.



Member testimony:

It’s fantastic that once you get to a certain age group [Aware Super] moves you to a less risky investment portfolio, so you don’t lose it all if markets crash. I love that it’s a given and I don’t need to worry.

-Teresa (52 years, teacher) and a member of Aware Super all her working life.

More than 85% of our super members invest in MySuper Lifecycle. Find out more.

With 1.1 million members and $150 billion in funds under management, we have the size and expertise to make good investments. Your money is in trusted hands.

Where to next?

Attend a retirement webinar

Join our experts as they break down super and finances into easy-to-understand topics through our live webinar education series.

Speak to a financial planner

A financial planner can work through complex financial matters and help you create the right strategies to achieve your financial goals in retirement. They’ll explain any next steps, fees and charges before progressing.

Learn more about our MySuper Lifecycle approach

With MySuper Lifecycle, as you get older, your investments will change to ensure they remain appropriately matched to your stage in life. This puts you in a better position to achieve your best possible retirement.