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Open an Investment Fund

Investment Fund Application Form - Non individuals

For Australian Non-individuals – Australian resident taxpaying companies, Trusts, Superannuation Funds (including SMSFs) and associations.

Aware Investment Fund Application form (non-individual)

Use this form to open an Aware Investment Fund account as a non-individual Australian. This means Australian resident taxpaying companies, Trusts, Superannuation Funds (including SMSF and associations)

PDF (659 KB)


Manage your Investment Fund

Change of member details - Aware Investment Fund

Change your membership details or the way you receive information from the fund.

Change your investment options - Aware Investment Fund

You can switch how your super is invested daily.

Aware Investment Fund Change of investments

Use this form to change your investments.

PDF (171 KB)
Aware Investment Fund Change of member details
PDF (402 KB)
Tax residency self-certification Investment Fund Class A or Class B (individual)
PDF (144 KB)
Use this form to provide tax residency self-certification Investment Fund Class A or Class B (non-individual)
PDF (209 KB)
Investment Fund internal transfer (Investment Fund Class A or Class B)
PDF (229 KB)


Withdraw from your Investment Fund

Make a withdrawal from Aware Investment Fund

Request a withdrawal from an Aware Investment Fund account.

Investment Fund Withdrawal
PDF (405 KB)

Through your online account, you can: 

  • view your balance
  • switch your investments
  • update your contact details

Aware Investment Funds are investments outside of your super. They give you access to your money regardless of your age. They also allow you to diversify your investments outside of the super environment.

Whether you need help with your super, or setting up your retirement, we can help you achieve your goals.