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Helping you make better financial decisions for life beyond SASS

In this series, you’ll get tips and expert insights to guide you, so that you’re ready to leave SASS with confidence in your plans.

Here are the highlights:

  • The options you have when you exit SASS 
  • How the retirement phase of super works 
  • Things to consider when deciding how and when to invest 
  • How to keep your plans on track


Step 1: Getting ready to exit SASS

We're covering what you need to know before exiting SASS

In this step, you'll learn about:

  • What options you have and how they could impact your future.
  • A step-by-step checklist to prepare for exit. 
  • How ready you are to leave the SASS scheme.


What's the best way to exit SASS?

It’s possible that you’ve been in SASS for up to 30+ years and now it’s time to make one of your most important financial decisions.

Once you’ve met the requirements to have your SASS benefit paid, what are your options for exiting SASS?

  • Option 1: Roll over all your SASS into another super fund, and stay invested in super, with the benefits that come with it.
  • Option 2: Take your final benefit as a lump sum. Keep in mind that once you take your money out of super, you may not be able to put it back in.
  • Option 3: Try a combination of both – take a lump sum big enough to pay off your debts and keep the rest in super.
  • Option 4: Some SASS members who were compulsorily transferred from a previous scheme may also have the option of a lifetime pension.

An Aware Super financial planner1 can help you navigate your SASS exit. They can take you through your options and help you decide what’s right for you.

Getting comfortable with the exit process

Once you’re clear and confident about what you’re going to do with your final benefit, you’re ready to go through the exit process. Do you know the steps involved?

Here’s a simple checklist, with three key steps:

  1. Notify State Super
    1. Your employer must complete a form (E403) to notify State Super that you’re ceasing employment or if you’re over 65, having your benefit paid while you’re still working.
  2. Apply for payment of your SASS benefit
    1. You should complete an application to State Super (known as member form 412), requesting your benefit to transfer to a super fund account of your choice.
  3. Finalise your payment / rollover
    1. Benefit payments are generally processed within five working days of receiving all the completed paperwork, including the information from your employer.

Things to consider before you exit SASS

Before you leave, here’s a list of important questions to ask yourself:

  • Have I accrued the right amount of points?
  • Will the timing of my exit maximise my employer finance benefit and basic benefit?
  • What will I do with any long service leave?
  • Are there any tax implications of my decision?
  • Do I know how much I need to live on in retirement?
  • Do I know how / where I’m going to invest my funds?
  • Are my funds going to remain within the super system?
  • Do I know how much income I need from my investments to fund my retirement?
  • Am I eligible for Centrelink entitlements such as the Government Age Pension, and how long before I can access them?

For more help on deciding whether to take a lump sum or roll over your SASS, reviewing your investment mix for super, or setting up an income stream for retirement, you can attend a SASS seminar or make an appointment with an Aware Super planner.

Financial advice services are provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430), wholly owned by Aware Super.

An exit checklist for SASS members

Use this step-by-step checklist to make sure you’ve done your due diligence before you exit the scheme.

Download the checklist

Step 2: Understand the retirement phase of super

What it means to roll over into the retirement phase of super

In this step, you'll learn about:

  • How staying in the super system could benefit you in retirement.
  • The steps involved in setting up a retirement income account.
  • How the retirement phase of super works.

Staying in the super system

When you leave the SASS scheme after meeting specific criteria, the savings you’ve had locked away become available. While you might feel tempted to take your benefit as a lump sum to pay off your mortgage or splurge on another big-ticket item, you also need to consider how you’ll manage your money for the rest of your life.  

One option is to invest your savings with another super fund, through an accumulation account. By keeping your savings in super, you’ll continue to enjoy a reduced tax rate of 15% on your earnings.  

You can also consider opening a retirement income account, where you’ll have full control over when or how much you’ll get paid, plus enjoy no tax on your earnings.   

Once you’re over 60, you don’t pay tax on any payments you receive either. There’s also a generous amount that you can transfer to the retirement phase of super: a maximum of $1.9 million for the 2024/25 financial year. 

There are other benefits to transferring your SASS savings into a retirement income account: 

Enjoy a regular income 

When you’ve spent your working life receiving a regular salary, the prospect of not having a regular income can be a big change. With a retirement income account, you can continue to enjoy regular payments, with flexibility on how often you’ll get paid.  

Stay invested 

With your SASS savings in a super account, your money remains invested, with access to a range of flexible investment options designed to suit your retirement needs. You’ll also pay 0% tax on investment earnings.

Access to investment opportunities 

With your savings in super, you have access to professional investment managers and diverse investment opportunities not typically accessible to retail investors. You can also spread your money and diversify your risk across different asset classes. By having a good mix of investments, you minimise risk and increase your chances of a better overall return.

Rolling over into the retirement phase

It’s like the super you already know, but a bit different. Find out how the retirement phase of super works - and how it can work for you.

Speaker 1 [00:00:00] Once you've finished work or have chosen to retire, it's time to decide what to do with your SASS benefit. If you meet a condition of release, one option is to stay within super by rolling over your money into the retirement phase with another super fund. Many SASS members do this so that they can use an account based pension to pay themselves a regular income in retirement with an account based pension. You get to choose how your money is invested when you receive your payments, and how much you want to receive, provided you meet the minimum annual withdrawal amounts set by the government. The balance of your money remains invested so that it can keep on growing. Having a regular income can help you stick to a budget and stay on track with your retirement plan, but it's flexible, too.


[00:00:59] If you need to access part of your balance or the entire account, you can withdraw it at any time. Just remember, the more you withdraw, the sooner your money will run out. Another benefit of the retirement phase is the potential tax savings. You pay 0% tax on the income you earn on your super. Once you're over 60, you won't pay any tax on the amount you withdraw either as a lump sum or as regular income. While there are benefits to rolling your super into the retirement phase, there are some limitations to be aware of. After you set up an account based pension, you can't add to it. So if you want to add more, you'll need to either set up a separate account based pension or roll back your first account based pension to the accumulation phase. Add to it within the contribution limits and then start a new one. You could also leave your money in the accumulation phase. In the accumulation phase. Up to 50% tax is paid from the income on your super. This tax is paid directly by your super fund and the details are included on your annual statement.


[00:02:22] While many super funds offer a transition to retirement income product that allows you to draw down from your super whilst you're still working, this isn't a feature of the SASS scheme, so bear in mind that once you take your money out of cess, you have to remove it all. Deciding what to do with your money when you retire is a big deal. The good news is aware super planners are experts in cess. To book an appointment with an Aware super planner. Visit the Aware Super website or call us on 1800 620 305. Today.

What to look for in a retirement income product

If you like the sound of a regular income in retirement and want to explore your options, what features should you be looking for? 

Ease of withdrawals 

Look for something that offers you the flexibility to withdraw your money when you need to. With an account-based pension for example, you can access your cash whenever you need. 

Minimum investment amount  

Make sure to check the minimum investment required to set up an income stream. With an account-based pension, there’s usually a minimum deposit required, but you decide what payments you receive, and when. 

Clear fee structure 

When shopping around for any financial product, you should be looking for fees that are clear and easy to understand. If it’s not clear how much you’ll be paying in fees, you could be paying more than you expect. 

Product ownership 

Do your research to make sure the provider offering you the product is financially stable and trustworthy.  

Like all big financial decisions, it’s important to assess which option best suits your lifestyle and aspirations in retirement. If you need help deciding what to do with your SASS benefit, an Aware Super planner1 can review your personal circumstances, talk you through each option and help you make an informed decision.

Financial advice services are provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430), wholly owned by Aware Super.

Setting up an account-based pension

When setting up an account-based pension, there are a few decisions you need to make. This simple checklist covers what you need to consider as you move through the set-up process.

Download checklist

Step 3: Decide where to invest for retirement

Where to invest your final SASS benefit for retirement

In this step, you'll learn about:

  • The skills you need to manage your money in retirement.
  • The pros and cons of managing your own finances.
  • The differences between investing yourself or as part of a managed super fund.

The five skills you need to manage your money in retirement

You’ve worked hard to build your savings, so in retirement you’ll want to make sure you’re doing what you can to help protect it.

A sound investment strategy can make all the difference. If you’re planning to manage your own investments in retirement, you’ll need to know enough about investing to:

  • Generate an income.
  • Make sure you have enough money to last.

So, what does it take to manage your money in retirement?

Our experts name the top five skills you’ll need:

1. Assess your tolerance to risk

Investing for retirement comes with risk. That’s because it’s much harder to recover losses when you’re drawing down on your money and you can’t wait for markets to recover. In retirement, four of the key financial risks you’ll face are: 

  • Investment risk – the risk that you lose some or all of your savings, or that your investments don’t give you the return you expected. 
  • Inflation risk – the risk that the income you earn from your investments is not enough to keep pace with the rising cost of living.  
  • Longevity risk – the risk of outliving your savings because of the two unknowns in retirement, how long you’ll live and how investment markets will perform. 
  • Sequencing risk – the risk that the order and timing of your investment returns is unfavourable, resulting in less money for retirement. 

When you take on the task to manage your own money in retirement, you’ll need to understand how much risk you’re exposed to – and how much risk you’re comfortable taking. Managing your risk in a way that balances growth with a level of security and stability you need can help you sleep easy at night. 

2. Diversify your investments

Spreading your money across different asset classes (such as shares, fixed income and property) and different investments within each asset class is crucial to reduce the risk that your investments lose value at the same time. By diversifying your investments, you’ll increase the chances of a better overall return and therefore a better financial position in retirement. As the value of your assets move up and down, it’s important to re-balance your portfolio regularly to manage your exposure to the different asset classes. 

3. Monitor the markets

When you’re managing your money in retirement, you’ll need to keep an active eye on movements in the markets to ensure you’re optimising the performance of your investment portfolio. In retirement, "time in the market" and "timing the market" will influence your success. 

4. Navigate your behavioural bias 

As humans, we’re wired to veer on the safe side. A body of research1 called ‘The loss aversion theory’ suggests we feel twice as much pain from a loss than the pleasure we feel from the same amount of gain. When it comes to investing, it can mean we miss out on opportunities for gains by settling for a lower rate of return than we need to. While biases such as these keep us feeling safe in the short term, playing it too safe over the longer term could see your retirement savings fall short. 

5. Manage a budget for the next 30 years

As you get older, you’ll spend your money on different things. Adapting your budget for each stage of retirement and ensuring you have enough money for now and for later will need to be one of your core skills. 

Managing your money in retirement can be rewarding, but it also takes time, vigilance and skill. If that sounds like a lot to handle, an Aware Super financial planner can help keep your finances on track. 

They’ll help you make decisions by giving you the pros and cons of each option as well as saving you time and energy. They can be your personal financial coach for your retirement, and knowing how retirement plans can change, they can adapt your plan for any unforeseen events. 

Our retirement planning experts have helped thousands of SASS members successfully prepare for retirement. To talk through your personal circumstances and options, book an obligation-free appointment.

1 Financial advice services are provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430), wholly owned by Aware Super.

Investing in a fund versus going it alone

Discover the difference between managing your retirement investments yourself or being part of a super fund.

Lynn Baker [00:00:06] Hi, I'm Lynn Baker from a we're super meeting with today, Jackie Ellis, who's our portfolio manager of retirement strategies. Welcome, Jackie.

Jacki Ellis [00:00:15] Hi Lynn. Thanks so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be here.

Lynn Baker [00:00:18] I wanted to chat to you today, specifically about some of the advantages of investing with a super fund in retirement rather than investing on your own. And specifically, that could be, for example, through an account based pension. But what's the main advantage that you see if staying within the super system?

Jacki Ellis [00:00:38] Look, I think the, the main advantage is really around the way in which we, as one of the largest superannuation funds in Australia, are able to leverage our scale to invest across a broad range of really high quality investments. And we can do that because of that scale at really attractive fee levels that simply aren't available to individuals when they go it alone, that can, you know, really add up over time to make a huge difference to their retirement savings.

Lynn Baker [00:01:08] We consider flexibility. And, you know, particularly when we're contributing to super there's a lot of rules around access. What sort of flexibility do you have in investing through an account based pension?

Jacki Ellis [00:01:21] Some people are surprised to find out that actually, it's really the same thing when it comes to control and flexibility. All of that exists within the superannuation system, so you can choose how you want your investments, managed and how they're invested. You can get some advice along the way if you'd like help with making those decisions. And you can also choose exactly how you access those funds. You do have full access, and flexibility. So you can choose whether you want to draw a regular income and if so, when you might receive that income and how that how much that might be. And you can also take lump sums along the way if you so wish.

Lynn Baker [00:02:01] And is there any barriers to starting an account based pension?

Jacki Ellis [00:02:05] No, it's really, quite a simple and straightforward process. There are no, set up fees or barriers involved, in any way, it's simply, start with opening an account based pension, and then you would instruct state super to rollover, you know, part or all of your retirement benefit. And you can also combine any other superannuation money that you have into that same account, base pension. And that can be really, beneficial over time because it means you're not doubling up on administration fees and things like that with multiple accounts.

Lynn Baker [00:02:38] Now, you made a very specific point there about rolling over directly, you know, from the SAS account. Why is that?

Jacki Ellis [00:02:45] Oh, look, that's actually a really great point. Thanks for highlighting it. It is something that you need to be clear in your mind that you're going to do prior to retirement because, the regulations around superannuation mean that for some people, once they take money out of the system, they can no longer put it back in. And so you want to make sure that you're rolling that retirement benefit directly from states over into the account based pension you've opened to avoid coming across any problem.

Lynn Baker [00:03:13] Right. So staying within the super system.

Jacki Ellis [00:03:15] Yeah. Really important.

Lynn Baker [00:03:17] So, Jackie, we hear a lot also about the tax benefits of the retirement phase of super. Can you talk a little bit about those?

Jacki Ellis [00:03:25] Yeah, absolutely. In the retirement phase, a super. So for example, any money invested in that account based pension, there is no tax on that phase of the superannuation system. And so that means that, any investment earnings that you, receive on the money you've invested with us will not be taxed at all. And also, any money that you're withdrawing from the system will be tax free. So you're not going to pay any personal income tax, for example, on your regular income payments or any lump sums that you withdraw.

Lynn Baker [00:04:01] Oh, that's a great advantage.

Jacki Ellis [00:04:03] Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, it all adds up. So you know, the benefits from the tax free environment, the more attractive fee levels that you can invest those money, monies that, you know, all of that can really add up over the course of your full retirement journey because it means that, you know, more of that money. The earning is staying with you. You're able to retain more of that, of your savings invested in the market, which then in turn and further returns and you get this kind of compounding effect, which is really powerful over time. And that's something that's particularly important for retirees, actually, because, you know, as a society where we're all living longer and that means that, we're going to need our retirement savings to, to last longer and work harder, and every little bit counts.

Lynn Baker [00:04:52] Yeah. And some retirees will be in retirement 20, 30 years or more. So it's certainly an important consideration.

Jacki Ellis [00:04:58] Absolutely. Yeah.

Lynn Baker [00:05:00] So, Jackie, on the subject of tax, we've heard a lot about the advantages for retirees of franking credits and how important they are. So if you're investing with a super fund, do you still get an advantage from franking credits?

Jacki Ellis [00:05:14] Absolutely. And in fact, a super fund receives franking credits in exactly the same way that an individual would, and those franking credits are fully passed on to our members in the form of investment returns. It's also the case that franking credits are most valuable for retirees because of that zero tax environment we were just talking about. It means that our, members in the retirement phase actually get fully credited back. Any tax that a company has paid in the course of their, their business dealings. And, we're really mindful of that. And that's actually one of the reasons why we tailor investment strategies, specifically for our retired members, so we can make sure we're taking full advantage of that.

Unidentified [00:06:02] On their behalf.

Lynn Baker [00:06:09] So, Jackie, what do you see is some of the biggest mistakes that SAS members make when they invest their lump sum on their own.

Jacki Ellis [00:06:17] I think probably the biggest mistake I see when, investors go it alone is just a lack of diversification in the typical investment strategies that you employ.

Lynn Baker [00:06:28] Can you just give us a little explanation of what you mean by diversification?

Jacki Ellis [00:06:32] Diversification is simply investing across a broad range of investments or asset classes. So for example, cash, bonds, equities, property, infrastructure, that sort of thing.

Lynn Baker [00:06:46] And then a range of investments within those asset classes.

Jacki Ellis [00:06:49] That's right. So, you know, as I mentioned before, at CFA, we have that scale. And that allows us to ensure that within each asset class, we also investing across a large range of assets. And it's really important to do that because, you know, different investments have different investment characteristics. And that means that they move differently with different market dynamics. And so by investing across a range of, investments within each asset class and a range of asset classes, you help ensure that you're minimizing the risk that they'll always value at the same time.

Lynn Baker [00:07:23] And Jackie, you mentioned there that you see a number of SAS members, you know, with strategies that aren't well diversified. Can you give us some examples?

Jacki Ellis [00:07:32] Sure. I think the classic one that comes to mind is, how we see many SAS members choosing to invest in property instead, so they might invest in 1 or 2 properties and look to leave off the rental payments associated with that. I think as Australians, we we feel like property is really safe. You know, it's it's bricks and mortar is we can we can touch it and understand it. But it's actually a very, concentrated way to invest your money. And, and that comes with, quite material risks, actually. You know, particularly in retirement where you're funding your lifestyle, you know, you can face periods of disruption to that rental income. Maybe there's a period where it's not tenanted or you're facing some significant repairs, and it's also, an illiquid investments. So you can't actually draw out any sort of lump sums if you're facing some unexpected expenses or some change in circumstances. And then, you know, you might be forced to sell the property instead. And, you know, the timing of that may or may not be, great, because, you know, you could be facing, a slow or low property market and it can actually take some time to sell those assets to you.

Lynn Baker [00:08:46] Yeah, really great point.

Jacki Ellis [00:08:47] So at the other end of the spectrum, another mistake we see investors make is actually taking on too little risk. Right. So the classic one there is taking out that retirement benefit and investing it all with term deposits. Looking to live off the interest from those term deposits. I think that can be attractive because the outcome is really certain. But, actually the interest that you're earning on term deposits at the moment is very low because cash rates are low, and that means it's just not possible for those investments to keep pace with the cost of living.

Lynn Baker [00:09:21] Yeah. And so the compounding effect of that over their retirement could really eat away at those retirement savings and the buying power of their money.

Jacki Ellis [00:09:31] That's right. And that, you know, it is really important to have that long term mindset when you're going into retirement and can really impair your ability to maintain the lifestyle that you want over time.

Lynn Baker [00:09:43] So, Jackie, what about those, investors that perhaps are really chasing the higher returns and, and, you know, happy to take on more risk? Perhaps any investing in this train shares, for example. What's your thoughts on those strategies?

Jacki Ellis [00:09:58] Yeah, actually that that is another strategy we see, particularly in investing in Australian equities and living off the dividends and franking credits. And you know, certainly that is a great source of income, but we would prefer to see that done in a more diversified way, like I was speaking about before. Because otherwise, if you're fully investing in Australian shares, the market is, fully exposed to the market cycle. And, you know, can face periods of significant losses. And in retirement that can be, really impactful over time because you're drawing an income out of those, those savings, if you're drawing an income, or taking out a lump sum for unexpected expenses.

Lynn Baker [00:10:41] You'd have to sell down those shares.

Jacki Ellis [00:10:42] Yeah, well, that's right. And you might face doing that at a point when, market prices, depressed, selling low really ends up over time. And you can't always rely on the dividends and franking credits being sufficient income. You know, often in market crises, for example, you can see regulators ask banks to cut their dividends, to shore up their capital base. And so that. Compound those risks.

Lynn Baker [00:11:11] Yeah. They're not guaranteed.

Jacki Ellis [00:11:12] No. That's right. The other mistake that we commonly see is just how much people underestimate what's involved in managing their finances and these investments on their own.

Lynn Baker [00:11:23] Which is interesting because you think of retirement, and most people would think about holidays and spending time with family and hobbies.

Jacki Ellis [00:11:30] Yeah, that's right. But I think for some people, maybe that hobby might be this idea of managing their money. And that could be exciting. But we often find that it starts out that way, and then they realize how much, you have to be across what's going on in those investments or markets all of the time, because things are constantly changing. There's also a huge amount of administration and paperwork associated with self-managed super funds, which I, I don't think people appreciate when they go into it. Yeah, just so much regulation around superannuation itself that, you know, it can become a bit of a burden over time. And, so we often see people start out really excited and they just lose interest.

Lynn Baker [00:12:10] And conditions can change so quickly. That could leave them quite vulnerable.

Jacki Ellis [00:12:13] Yeah, absolutely. So I think, one of the key benefits of having your money, invested with a super fund is just having that team of investment professionals being across what's going on in markets for you so that you don't have to worry. And, you know, managing your money on an ongoing basis that can.

Lynn Baker [00:12:33] Gabriel peace of.

Jacki Ellis [00:12:33] Mind. I think so, yeah.

Lynn Baker [00:12:35] So, Jackie, what's different about managing for retirement?

Jacki Ellis [00:12:39] Look, I think it is different and particularly so for SAS members. You know, they've had their money invested in a defined benefit scheme, and a large portion of that money has been being protected from, the movements in.

Lynn Baker [00:12:51] In markets they might be experiencing for market risk for the first time.

Jacki Ellis [00:12:55] That's right. And that can be a little bit disconcerting for some people, actually. And so you need to, push past that and make sure you actually are invested in the markets because, you know, growth in returns is going to be really critical to be able to, you know, fund the lifestyle that you'd like to have in retirement. And also make sure that your savings lasts for your whole retirement. And being mindful, like I mentioned earlier, that we're all living longer, and it is actually quite a considerable period of time that you're, drawing an income for in retirement. But at the same time, it's really important also to be managing risk along the way. You know, if your portfolio suffers a large loss, you know, most people in will still need to draw an income out of their retirement savings because it is their sort of primary source of income in retirement.

Lynn Baker [00:13:49] So they're that's able really to participate in the recovery that might follow.

Jacki Ellis [00:13:53] That's right. You know, you take your money out and then you got less money exposed to recovery. And it sort of has this, double whammy impact that can be, a really lasting effect on your retirement savings. So being able to manage that, risk of large losses is really critical. So it's a real balancing act actually. And I think you need to have the right skill and knowledge and, and time focused on getting that balancing act right.

Lynn Baker [00:14:20] So thank you, Jackie, for sharing your thoughts with this today.

Jacki Ellis [00:14:22] No problem.

Lynn Baker [00:14:23] At it. We're super. We specialize in retirement and we do manage our retirement retired members money differently. And that's really to ensure that we meet that income needs and we protect their savings and manage their risks. And and we're super financial planner can tailor an investment strategy that's right for you. Thanks very much.

Check your skills as an investor

Do you have what it takes to manage your own investments in retirement? Take this short quiz.

Take the quiz

Step 4: Stay on track once you retire

See if ongoing financial advice is the right option for you

In this step, you'll learn about:

  • The top five reasons why SASS members value ongoing advice with their planners.
  • How to prepare for your first appointment with a planner.
  • How financial advice helped Aware Super clients1 Michelle and Geoff.

What SASS members say about the value of ongoing advice

When you seek one-off advice from a financial planner, such as on your tax, super or investments, this advice will be for one point in time. After that, it’s up to you to make sure you stay on track with your plan - both now and in the future. 

Ongoing advice means you’re checking in on a regular basis with an expert who’ll review how your strategies are performing. As your circumstances or goals change, your financial planner makes the necessary adjustments to keep you heading in the right direction.  

Check out the top five reasons why SASS members value ongoing advice with their planner:

'I can sleep easy at night, knowing there’s a plan.’

Whether you’re planning your retirement, or already retired, keeping an eye on issues such as financial markets, the local and global economy, and policy movements can be stressful. With a planner by your side, you don’t need to constantly look over your shoulder. They’ll work closely with you to develop a long-term plan based on your financial and lifestyle goals, which also considers your tolerance for risk. You can rest easy knowing your planner reviews your plan along the way, and can help you make adjustments if things change down the track. 

‘My planner keeps me up to date with the latest super rules.’

The rules around super are complex and change on a regular basis. Without knowing about these changes, or their impact on your savings, you may be missing out on opportunities, or putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Your planner knows the ins and outs of these complex super rules.

‘My planner helps me review and adjust my investments to ensure my plan is on track.’

Investing is complex, especially when you’re approaching or in the early stages of retirement. As the markets or your circumstances change, your planner will review whether you need to change your investment choice or re-balance your portfolio, keeping you informed and in control.

‘They’ll advise me on how to invest and minimise my tax bill.’

Your planner can help you structure your super contributions and investments to reduce your tax and keep more money in your pocket. That’s because a planner understands tax laws and how to make them work for you. In some cases, your planner will also work closely with other advisers, such as your accountant, to ensure all your bases are covered.

‘They’ll help me plan ahead for my family.’

Many SASS members are surprised at all the factors that need to be considered when planning financial protection for themselves and their families. Having an expert help you get your estate planning and insurance in order means your loved ones will be protected should the worst happen. And, when it’s time, you can be confident that your money and assets will end up in the right hands.

Read Brian’s story – a better position for retirement

At 60, Brian wanted to set himself up for the best possible retirement, so he decided to seek financial advice. He made an appointment with Tony, an Aware Super planner.1

Tony worked with Brian to estimate his retirement income needs and determine the sources of that income. Tony also helped Brian to determine how much he’d need to save in the lead up to his retirement.

With Tony’s advice, Brian maximised his employer-financed benefit, set up salary sacrifice, and topped up his super with voluntary contributions. Brian retired at 63 knowing that he could afford the life he wanted in retirement.

After leaving work, Brian found that retirement was quite an adjustment in terms of his lifestyle and finances. He made the decision to continue to partner with Tony for ongoing advice to: 

  • revisit his money projections on a regular basis 
  • rebalance his investments to maintain the right amount of growth and liquid assets  
  • stay on track with his spending 
  • make the most of any government benefits. 

If you want to get professional financial advice like Brian, book an appointment.

Financial advice services are provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430), wholly owned by Aware Super.

Michelle and Geoff's retirement

Seeking advice from an Aware Super financial planner1 had a big impact on Michelle and Geoff’s retirement. Watch their story.

Speaker 1 [00:00:04] Well, I wasn't actually thinking about retirement until Michelle got cancer.

Speaker 2 [00:00:09] Both of us just thought, well, now's the time we've been putting away for our future. And all of a sudden, the future was here. I've got three daughters. They encouraged me to to not go back to work. They thought that of, you know, 40 years of working was enough, mom, and now you're not well, just get better for us.

Speaker 1 [00:00:30] We went up to see our planner. And she drew some pictures on a whiteboard, showed us with little arrows what money was doing, how it was working, and put the plan into a picture that we could understand, so that we could concentrate on getting Michelle well and leading the next part of our life. Fortunately, her health's got better, and now that her health is better, she's got more time to be able to give back to the community. And that's really important to us. In our working lives, we worked for people, schools, communities. And now in our retirement life, our work is around volunteering, to help people who are part of those communities.

Speaker 2 [00:01:12] The thing that I love about our lifestyle at the moment is that we now have all of the time that we never had to put into our family. We actually have been to more assemblies for our grandson than we actually went for our own children because we can.

Speaker 1 [00:01:30] It's true. We can.

[00:01:33] All of the advice that we've been given, the strategies we take around managing our finances, make our life oh, fantastic. And we're very confident and very happy and very knowing now about how our money's working for us. And, we thibk the future's pretty good.

Financial advice services are provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430), wholly owned by Aware Super.

Preparing for your first appointment

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Where to next?

SASS seminars are a great way to learn about your scheme and ask the questions that matter to you. 

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