Find useful Aware Super clearing house help here and priority support for employers registered with Aware Super.
Employer support
Employer relations/support
For Aware Super employers:
Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (AEST/AEDT)
Phone 1300 878 737
To help us with your query, please remember to have the following handy:
- Employer code
- ABN number
- Business trading name
- Clearing house client identification
Get help with:
- Administration support – receive direct access from our friendly administration support team to help you get up and running. The team provide first line response for refunds, contribution enquiries, any SuperStream problem solving needs and technical support for super related questions. This can include on-site training or virtual training for payroll staff if required.
- Clearing house – assistance with registering for our clearing house plus help with transitioning to the service and any questions or support you may need.
- Single touch payroll – for queries relating to payroll reporting and ensuring you remain compliant with the ATOs requirements.
Joining Aware Super as an employer
- Looking to become an Aware Super employer? Get guidance on how your business can join Aware Super to use our clearing house and the benefits of being a default employer.

Clearing house support for employers (for you)
Explore the Aware Super Learning Hub where you will find;
- Instructional videos
- FAQs
- User guides
To use the Aware Super clearing house, you need to register with us.

Super Oracle – answers for super related
topics 24/7
Use Aware Super’s comprehensive online support system – Super Oracle, where you can get answers on topics such as calculating super payments, taxation information, concessional caps, superannuation thresholds and more.
Get in touch