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Important message: Scammers are active following the CrowdStrike tech outage. Be aware and guard your details. Learn what we’re doing to keep your super safe

NSW State Government employers are not required to follow the superannuation stapling requirements set out in the Australian Government’s Your Future Your Super reforms. Such NSW State Government Employers* can satisfy their superannuation guarantee obligations by contributing in accordance with the Aware Super Act 1992 (NSW).

Upon commencing their employment, if a new employee has not made a choice of fund selection, such NSW State Government employers can continue making contributions to the Aware Super Fund. If the new employee makes a choice of Fund selection, the employer will need to ensure that super contributions are made to the employee’s chosen Fund.

*NSW State Government Employers are referenced in:

  1. Aware First State Super Act - Schedule 1 Employers,
  2. Government Sector Employment Act 2013,
  3. Part 1 Departments,
  4. Part 2 Executive agencies related to Departments,
  5. Part 3 Separate agencies.

Please note this is not an exhaustive list.