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Did you know about 4 million Australians have multiple super funds?*

More than one super account can mean paying multiple sets of fees and premiums paid on insurance that you might not want or need.

Combine your super in less than 5 minutes with our guided online form.

Why consolidate with Aware Super?

Competitive fees

Paying Aware Super’s competitive fees might work out better than paying fees across multiple funds.~

Our fees and costs

Super returns

8.97% p.a over 10 years to 31 March 2024> on our High Growth option, which is where most of our members are invested.

See how we perform

Make your super more simple

Multiple super account numbers and statements make keeping track of your super more complex.

Before you decide to consolidate, compare your options. Consider the loss of insurance cover from your other fund(s) and any tax implications to make sure consolidating is right for you.

What are the steps?

Open the online search tool

You can do this all in Member Online. If you need, you can get help to log in.

Once logged in, click Contributions and then Consolidate.

Verify your identity

You will receive a one-time PIN code on your mobile phone to prove it’s you. Enter the PIN.

We might ask for two forms of Australian ID, this could be a Medicare card and driver’s licence.

We’ll also need your Tax File Number (TFN) to run the search.

See your search results

If we find lost super, we’ll automatically transfer it into your account.

If you want to consolidate your super from other funds, click Consolidate.

Be your own (super) hero.

Save yourself from extra costs.

Need a bit more guidance?

*Trends toward single accounts, Australian Tax Office Website, last accessed: Tuesday 2nd April 2024. Trend towards single accounts.

~Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey 31 March 2024, High Growth [81-95% in growth assets] investment option index and $50,000 account balance. Fees and costs can vary from year to year. Past fees and costs are not a reliable indicator of future fees and costs. Fees and comparisons may differ for other investment options and account balances.

^The Aware Super app was awarded Bronze Stevie Award at the 2022 International Business Awards.

>Aware Super's High Growth option return over 10 years to 31 March 2024. SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey, March 2024. Based on SR50 Growth (77-90) Index. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

The High Growth option is where the majority of our FutureSaver members are invested. FutureSaver members who do not make an investment choice are invested in our MySuper Lifecycle and allocated 100% to the High Growth option until they reach age 56. Between 56 and 64, members’ allocations are adjusted each year into age specific investment mixes across High Growth, Balanced and Conservative Balanced options. From age 65, members are allocated 100% to the Conservative Balanced option. Learn more by reading the Future Saver PDS, and see the returns for our full range of options.

Advice provided by Aware Financial Services Australia Limited (ABN 86 003 742 756, AFSL 238430) wholly owned by Aware Super.

General advice only. Consider your personal objectives, financial situation and needs, which we have not accounted for in this advice, and the PDS and TMD at Forms and documents before acting.  Issued by Aware Super Pty Ltd (ABN 11 118 202 672, AFSL 293340), the trustee of Aware Super (ABN 53 226 460 365).