If you’ve made a contributions payment in error, you can request a contributions refund by filling out our simple form.

To ensure your refund request can be processed as quickly as possible, it’s important to correctly fill out all necessary fields in the Refund of contributions form.

This form is updated from time to time, so we encourage you to download the latest version online at the time you need it.

What you need to fill out the form

  • Your employer details, including your employer code and payroll number
  • Details for the member(s) who received the overpayment, including their member number and date of birth
  • The amount of the overpayment(s) – not the original amount paid
  • The contribution or payroll period in which the error was made
  • The reason for the overpayment or error code. A list of error codes is included in the form for you. You can also provide additional details in the Comments field.

Authorisation from your employee

If your refund request is for an employee contribution made over 12 months ago, the employee in question will need to authorise the deduction from their account. You will need to ask them to sign the relevant section of the Refund of contributions form.

Your refund payment options

You can choose how you would like the refund to be paid – either by electronic funds transfer (EFT) or by cheque.

Generally an EFT refund will be received quicker as we can send your payment and confirmation details electronically.

I want to contact someone about a contributions refund

I want to request a refund

Download the form

Related topics

  • Employer contributions