Taking care of your health and finances now can do a lot to prevent problems down the track. Just as regular exercise and a good diet can work wonders for keeping you healthy, budgeting and planning for retirement can help you enjoy a comfortable lifestyle for longer.
Top tips from our team
The good news is that it’s never too late to make positive changes. But where should you start? We’ve asked four of our financial planners – Andrew, Troy Michael and Belinda – for their best tips on looking after your health and your wealth:
Andrew Beer, Financial Planner
Have a purpose in life
“Having a clear purpose in retirement is really important. What I mean by this is, something that motivates you to get out of bed each day. This might be a volunteer position, continuing part-time work, starting a new hobby or looking after family/friends as a few examples. Many retirees that I speak to struggle with a loss of identity. Their job has previously defined them as people and without it they feel undervalued or lost. Having a purpose in life helps remind retirees how vital they are to our communities and society in general.”
Troy Ottens, Financial Planner
Play the long game
"Do not look at the market on a daily or weekly basis. This is a pointless exercise and only has the potential to cause anxiety. Investment portfolios that contain growth-oriented assets (such as shares and property) are constructed for the long term. This means we can expect short-term volatility from time to time. There is an appropriate saying; Investing is not about ‘timing’ the market, but ‘time in’ the market. The advice process takes into account an individual’s attitude towards investing and seeks to also educate about the nature of investing. The investment portfolios that we construct for the long term allow for potential market volatility at certain times throughout the investment timeframe."
Michael Faehndrich, Advice Delivery Manager
Keeping exercising and get a good night’s sleep
“I’m often looking at longevity research and the things I keep coming across are related to sleep and exercise. Doing resistance training to maintain muscle mass becomes really important as you age but some cardiovascular training is also part of an exercise regime for good health.
I’m also really interested in the benefits of fasting and ice baths or cold showers as a way to reduce inflammation which can lead to all sorts of short and long-term health problems.”
Belinda Lynch, Financial Planner
Focus on joy
"Think about you: what gives you the most joy and happiness? Embrace those things, whether it be family, friends, activities or travel. Slow down and enjoy the things that mean the most to you."