Want to get set for retirement and maximise your savings?
Whether it’s 2 or 20 years away, our My Retirement Planner™ can:
Whether it’s 2 or 20 years away, our My Retirement Planner™ can:
My Retirement Planner™ enables you to:
Plus, if you’re an Aware Super member, you get a Retirement Confidence Score™ that shows how close you are to your goals.
Everyone can join our experienced experts as they break down superannuation and finances into easy-to-understand topics through live webinars and seminars.
Retirement goals are different for everyone, but thinking about the question is a great first step towards approaching retirement with confidence. Our Retirement Guide is a helpful place to start.
You’ll find:
Access a super helpful 45-minute video call with one of our qualified financial advisers. This super advice is at no extra cost. You’ll cover:
Super performance, backed by super awards
A strong 8.98% p.a.[P1] over ten years is great news for members in our High Growth option (Where a majority of members are invested).