See our net benefit performance
How your super fund performs over the long-term will make a big difference to your money for retirement. Backed by a team of investment specialists, we’re applying our expertise to help grow your superannuation savings into your best retirement, so you can look forward to life after work.
This graph assumes the following; a $50,000 starting account balance; employer contributions based on a starting salary of $50,000 p.a.; salary increases of 3.5% p.a. and contributions tax of 15%. The Net Benefit refers to a member's investment earnings over the time period of 15 years to 30 September 2024, less any administration, investment and member fees for options within the SuperRatings Growth Index (77-90% growth allocation). The net benefit compares Aware Super to the median of 72, 64 and 52 Not for Profit funds over 7, 10 and 15 years and 175, 130 and 68 all super funds over 7, 10 and 15 years which is inclusive of Retail, Industry, Corporate and Government funds. Net Benefit provided by SuperRatings’ Net Benefit Tool, accessed 27/11/2024.’ Past performance is not a reliable indicator or a guarantee of future performance. Outcomes vary between individual funds. View net benefit methodology
A one year return of 17.37%
The High Growth accumulation option, which returned
17.37%[P2] for the last financial year is where more than 750,000 of our 1.1 million members are invested.
Delivering a double-digit return for the second year in a row makes us one of Australia's top-performing[P1] super fund.
Competitive fees to help grow your super sooner
When comparing superannuation funds, you should consider overall performance, fees and costs.
A net return analysis is a great way to compare apples with apples when it comes to superannuation. This calculation compares super products based on returns delivered over a period of time after all fees, costs and taxes.
- $25,000 super balance
- $50,000 super balance
- $250,000 super balance
With a super balance of $25,000, what will you pay in annual fees?
We offer competitive fees[F1] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).
With a super balance of $50,000, what will you pay in annual fees?
We offer competitive fees[F6] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).
With a super balance of $250,000, what will you pay in annual fees?
We offer competitive fees[F6] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).
We're a super fund with a growing list of services and benefits
See how we compare against other funds
See how Aware Super stacks up against other industry and retail funds using Applecheck, a third-party research comparison tool from Chant West.
Feel good your super is with an award-winning fund[A1]
From your first day of work and throughout your retirement, enjoy products and services that are backed by a range of awards and top ratings. Awards are only one consideration.
Ultra Long-Term Performance
Money magazine’s Ultra Long-Term Performance 2025 award recognises Aware Super’s ability to deliver ultra long-term performance through a highly diversified portfolio constructed to deliver consistently sound returns.
Aware Super have won the Money magazine's Ultra Long-Term Performance award 2 years in a row.
Outstanding Value Superannuation
Canstar’s Outstanding Value Superannuation Awards[A7] recognise the providers that provide exceptional value to customers across the range of ages and account balances considered in the Star Ratings.
Lifetime Return 2024
The award recognises Aware Super’s ability to generate strong positive returns across a member’s entire lifetime, while also factoring in the level of risk members are exposed to as they approach retirement.[A5] Read more on their website.