This graph assumes the following; a $50,000 starting account balance; employer contributions based on a starting salary of $50,000 p.a.; salary increases of 3.5% p.a. and contributions tax of 15%. The Net Benefit refers to a member's investment earnings over the time period of 15 years to 30 June 2024, less any administration, investment and member fees for options within the SuperRatings Growth Index (77-90% growth allocation). The net benefit compares Aware Super to the median of 72, 66 and 53 Not for Profit funds over 7, 10 and 15 years and 169, 129 and 70 all super funds over 7, 10 and 15 years which is inclusive of Retail, Industry, Corporate and Government funds. Net Benefit provided by SuperRatings’ Net Benefit Tool, accessed 29/08/2024.’ Past performance is not a reliable indicator or a guarantee of future performance. Outcomes vary between individual funds.
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