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Supporting older workers

As a fund with 1.1 million members and 700,000 women, Aware Super is focussed on improving retirement inequity and gendered ageism. Our ageing workforce resource hub provides employers with support to harness the potential of older workers, transition them into retirement, or back into the workforce from retirement. And most importantly, uncover and address the issue of retirement inequity and gendered ageism, to help women in the workforce reach their best retirement.

Resourcing for you and your employees

How Aware Super can help employers engage and retain older workers

We can work closely with you and there are also tools and other resources available.

Ideas on how to attract and retain older workers.

Managers can provide effective support for their team members to help provide
 a smooth transition to retirement.

Looking for more help?

If you would like to discuss how we can help you with ageing workforce programs, please contact your Relationship Manager.