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Competitive fees to help grow your super sooner

Fees cover the costs of managing and investing your superannuation. Fees include admin fees and costs, investment fees and costs, and transaction costs. You are not charged fees for switching your investments or joining Aware Super.

With a super balance of $25,000, what will you pay in annual fees?

We offer competitive fees[F6] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).


With a super balance of $50,000, what will you pay in annual fees?

We offer competitive fees[F6] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).

With a super balance of $250,000, what will you pay in annual fees?

We offer competitive fees[F6] which can make a real difference to your super balance over time (our super account admin fee is just $1 per week + 0.15% of your account balance).

A track record of delivering super long-term returns

8.98% p.a. over 10 years[P1]

A strong 8.98% p.a. over ten years to 31 December 2024 is great news for members in our High Growth option, where a majority of members are invested.

Looking to retire with Aware Super?

Enjoy the best of both worlds with a Retirement Transition Account or Retirement Income Account. See how they compare and which account is right for you.

How Aware Super compares to other funds

When comparing superannuation funds, you should consider overall performance, fees and costs.

A net return analysis is a great way to compare apples with apples when it comes to superannuation. This calculation compares super products based on returns delivered over a period of time after all fees, costs and taxes.

This graph assumes the following; a $50,000 starting account balance; employer contributions based on a starting salary of $50,000 p.a.; salary increases of 3.5% p.a. and contributions tax of 15%. The Net Benefit refers to a member's investment earnings over the time period of 15 years to 30 September 2024, less any administration, investment and member fees for options within the SuperRatings Growth Index (77-90% growth allocation). The net benefit compares Aware Super to the median of 72, 64 and 52 Not for Profit funds over 7, 10 and 15 years and 175, 130 and 68 all super funds over 7, 10 and 15 years which is inclusive of Retail, Industry, Corporate and Government funds. Net Benefit provided by SuperRatings’ Net Benefit Tool, accessed 27 November 2024.’ Past performance is not a reliable indicator or a guarantee of future performance. Outcomes vary between individual funds. View net benefit methodology

MySuper Lifecycle, the smart way to invest your super

MySuper Lifecycle. It really does revolve around you.

This investment approach will fine-tune your investment mix over time to help you retire with more. It’s a smart investment approach that puts you at its centre.

When you’re younger, you might want to invest in high growth options.

After you turn 56, it will automatically reduce your exposure to market ups-and-downs. This makes your super less risky as you start to think about retirement.

MySuper Lifecycle helps you grow your super savings while you’re young and manage investment risk as you get closer to and in retirement.

Super Fund of the Year 2024

Aware Super is an award-winning[A1] superannuation fund. We regularly receive awards and ratings from industry leading rating agencies. Awards demonstrate the expertise of our investment team who manage your superannuation savings with the goal delivering strong, long term returns.[P1]

The Super Fund of the Year[A6] award from Chant West recognises Aware Super’s excellence across a range of key criteria including: investments, member services, fees, and organisational strength.

Compare Aware Super with your super fund

See how Aware Super stacks up against other industry and retail funds using Applecheck, a third-party research comparison tool from Chant West.

Chant West is a leading third-party research, data and analytics provider. Their AppleCheck is an easy-to-use comparison tool that helps you compare super and pension products on a fair, 'apples with apples' basis. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Join Aware Super, it only takes a few minutes

The right choice today could mean a big difference for your future.

[P1] Aware Super's High Growth option return over 10 years to 31 December 2024. SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey, December 2024. Based on the SR50 Growth (77-90) Index. Returns are after tax and investment management expenses but before the deduction of administration fees. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

[A1] Awards and ratings are only one factor to be taken into account  when choosing a super fund. Read more information about our awards and ratings. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance.

[A6] Chant West - Zenith CW Pty Ltd ABN 20 639 121 403 AFSL 226872/AFS Rep No. 1280401 Chant West Awards issued 22 May 2024 are solely statements of opinion and not a recommendation in relation to making any investment decisions. Awards are current for 12 months and subject to change at any time. Awards for previous years are for historical purposes only. Visit Chant West Awards for full details.

[F6] Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey December 2024, High Growth [81-95% in growth assets] investment option index and account balances of $25,000, $50,000 and $250,000. Fees vary each year & include admin/investment fees & costs, & transaction costs. Fees differ for other investment options & account balances. 'Overall average’ is the average total fee of funds included in the survey for the relevant account balance. Aware Super’s Future Saver High Growth fees is as published in the Aware Super Future Saver PDS.

[F1] Chant West Super Fund Fee Survey December 2024, High Growth [81-95% in growth assets] investment option index and $50,000 account balance. Fees and costs can vary from year to year. Past fees and costs are not a reliable indicator of future fees and costs. Fees and comparisons may differ for other investment options and account balances. Aware Super’s High Growth option as published in the Aware Super Future Saver PDS.